Sunday, October 13, 2019

Why I've Been Struggling to Settle Back in at Uni.

Two weeks ago I started my third year at university. Since I transferred last year, this was my first time not being a fresher. I thought this would make it easier to settle in but in fact I've actually been finding it really hard. There are several reasons why, and I thought I'd write about them to help me overcome them, and maybe comfort any of you who are feeling the same way!

Firstly, the work load is more immediate. While I normally wouldn't have any deadlines until week 6, my first essay this semester was due in week 2. This meant instead of having a couple of weeks for me to take it slow and start to get back into routine, I've had to get down to it pretty much immediately.

Secondly, there is a lot more pressure to do well. Third year is the one that holds the most weight, and I don't want to make any stupid mistakes. I know I'm capable of doing well, I just have to work hard to do it. This makes me stressed as I feel like I should be working whenever I take any time off, even though I know this isn't true.

Thirdly, I've been really homesick since I got back. I'm not sure why this is, maybe it's because I've spent a lot more time than usual with my mum this summer so I'm missing her more or maybe it's the lack of nerves emphasising this feeling but I can't be sure. I live with my boyfriend, so it's not even like I'm on my own! In the past, after a couple of weeks of homesickness I've start to feel better so I'm hoping that will happen again this year.

As well as this, my best uni friends are going through tough times in their personal lives. I worry about them a lot and I'm trying to be a good friend but I don't know how to help. I worry that I'm either forcing my support on them or not supporting them enough!

Finally, my flat this year is a new build and we've had various issues with administration and problems with the locks and things like that. There's nothing that will make you miss home like having to take a cold shower because there's no hot water...

The main reason for writing this post isn't for me to have a moan though! It's to make any of you who are facing similar problems at the moment. So here's what I've been doing to help settle down:
  • Talk about it!! I've been sharing with my boyfriend and my friends how I've been feeling and they've been really great at comforting me and giving me advice on how to get myself out of a rut.
  • Calling home. I don't miss my mum so much when I can have a good long chat on the phone.
  • Create a set routine work-wise. If you have a preplanned rota for when to do what it makes it easier to force yourself to actually do it, plus you'll feel much more productive!
  • Make manageable 'to do' lists. If you follow my Instagram (@klarablogs) you'll see I often share these on my stories! It helps me organise my week and I feel like I've achieved something  each time I complete one.
  • Finally, make time for something fun at least once a week. Then you have things to look forward to, and it'll help you relax which actually makes you more productive in the long run.
All that being said, if you are feeling REALLY overwhelmed and these tips aren't helping there are TONNES of resources available. Don't suffer in silence! Contact your GP, your uni's student support services, charities such as Mind or Samaritans or if you feel like it DM me on instagram! I'm always happy to talk.

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