Wednesday, July 10, 2019

My Month in 5 Photos: June 2019

Those of you who have been around since my depsoc days may remember that 'my month in 5 photos' was a regular section I used to do. As I spent a large part of June working I wanted to look back and have some fun memories too, so I decided to restart this segment on my new blog.

So I began the month with a trip to Hay-On-Wye with my mum for the Hay Festival. We had tickets to see Sindhu Vee (I can highly recommend going to see her, she was hysterical), and we also had a wander around the festival bookshop. As well as really enjoying the festival, it was lovely getting to spend some time with my mother.

My friends and I went on an awesome night out on the local town. There was much pink gin and many giggles involved.

My boyfriend and I spent the weekend in Swansea and Rhossili Bay. It was so nice to get away and I just love the beach. We ate loads of ice cream, stayed in a great hotel and enjoyed paddling in the surprisingly warm sea. The only way it could have been better is if it lasted at least a week longer!

Of course, since I am living at home for the summer, I spent plenty of time with my dog while I can.

I also popped into the church my primary school used to use for carol services and leavers assemblies. Great Witley Church is absolutely beautiful, and the tearooms next door are wonderful. Highly recommend a visit if you're ever in Worcestershire. To see more photos of this, check out my new travel blog on instagram or Tumblr @klaraonhertravels.