Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Top Tips for Freshers

Due to transferring universities, I have now been a fresher twice. This means I've picked up a few tips on how to enjoy the experience as much as possible so I thought I'd share my top 10!
  1. Don't be afraid to try something new. Join a society or a club that sounds fun, or join a gym, or start a part time job doing something you haven't done before. It can be a great way to make friends but also keep fit, make money or just relax when you've finished your uni work.
  2. Don't feel pressured to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. While I'm all for stepping out of your comfort zone to try a new hobby, you shouldn't feel like you have to do anything you really don't want to. I don't drink much, and had been worried that I'd be pushed to at uni, but true friends are respectful of your wishes and will do other things with you.
  3. Never walk home by yourself at night!!! I cannot stress this enough! It's so dangerous for men as well as women! Get a bus or a taxi or call a friend.
  4. Try to cook properly and exercise regularly. It is so easy to gain weight in first year from all the alcohol and pot noodles and losing it is more difficult than keeping it off in the first place.
  5. Budget, budget, budget! It may be a pain but it is honestly so worth it. I use an app called Monzo to keep track of my spending each week/month (not an ad, I just think they're brilliant).
  6. Go to your lectures. This may sound either boring or obvious, but the temptation to sleep through a 9am is real and going to them will help you so much with exams/essays and also your work in second and third year.
  7. Go to the Freshers Fair. So much free stuff! And a great chance to get information about uni life and societies you can join.
  8. Personalise your room! Put up photos, posters, cards and fairy lights to make your room a happy place and hopefully ward off homesickness.
  9. Call your family at least once a week. It'll make them happy, I promise.
  10. Don't be afraid of speaking out! If you're unhappy or need financial help or just simply want help with an essay, your uni will have someone on hand to help you out.
Most of all, enjoy yourself! You only do uni once (usually) so make the most of it.

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