Monday, April 15, 2019

Review: Too Faced Better Than Sex Eyeliner

*Disclaimer: this is not an ad, this is my honest opinion of a product I bought with my own money.*

Some of you may have seen that Too Faced have recently brought out a new eyeliner that they claim is so good it's better than sex. As you will know if you regularly read my posts, the Better Than Sex mascara is my absolute favourite, so you can imagine my excitement when Too Faced released this partner product. At £18, this is a reasonably expensive product but as far as I can tell that is it's only downfall!
I know it's only a small thing, but I love that the packaging matches the mascara. It makes them look like a perfect pair. It is also very pigmented. So far the only shade available is 'Deepest Black' which I love because it's very classy but possibly they will later have more colours? Watch this space if they do, because I would love to try them!

I was surprised with just how easy this was to apply. I always think felt tip style liners are the easiest, and I have always been happy with the quality of Too Faced products in general so I was expecting it to be good but not quite this good! It really does just glide on, giving a super cute, super easy flick.

Because this eyeliner was so easy to apply, I could put it on straight over my eyeshadow without having to worry that it would smudge or that I'd have to walk out the Q Tips to fix it, which is something I've never found with an eyeliner before.

Finally, because it was so easy to put on it was also super easy to get even. Definitely worth investing in if you want to speed up your makeup routine because this took me literally 10 seconds. I will be recommending this to everyone I know. If you want to try it, you can get in store, at Ulta Beauty or on Too Faced's website which I have linked here. Enjoy!

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